Monday, March 8, 2010

Giving Teachers Shit

Let's be honest most people will go through school with at least 1 teacher they hate for no reason or at least 1 teacher that deserves to be hated (Usually the biggest fattest bitch). Some teachers become teachers because they are holding on to the last remnants of their glory years and now they are a huge fat walking ball of annoyance that wants to ruin your life

(Fig 1: WTF is that frog going/coming from?)

Accidentally being hated by teachers:
Now i have accidentally created a situation where a teacher hates me completely incidentally. For my final year at school i got a new teacher for english, we'll call her Ms. "Dontcallmeamericanori'lfuckinglgutyou".

Now Ms :Dontcallmeamericanori'llfuckinggutyou" is a perfectly nice human being and a reasonable teacher. We had been discussing the play 'Educating Rita' in class and i was in Dick-head kind of mood.

"Dontcallmeamericanori'llfuckinggutyou"  turned to our tabled and asked

"The kind of love between Rita and Frank is an odd love, they are not in love romantically but how do they love each other?"

My first response was instinctively

"Well they do not really love each other its the kind of fake love you get between a Step mother and their child, they only love each other because they feel obliged to."

"Dontcallmeamericanori'llfuckinggutyou" then turns to me and says
"But.. I love my step children"

My first reaction was to laugh....

Ever since i do not think she has warmed to me.

Teachers who deserve to be hated:
Some people in this world crave power because they are douches. They have been in a submissive position so long all their life that any kind of power is like a pair of pants made of bacon to a starving dog. More often than not they are really fucking fat, and a bitchy women. Im not going to sugar coat it because they will just eat that as well. But these slop hounds of human beings decided to reign dominion over kids. And for some fucked reason people pay them for it (not well mind you.)
I had the biggest fattest fucking bitch in year 6 as my teacher. I would pray on the way to school everyday that the principle would come in and say;
"Guess what kids? Your teacher finally collapsed on her own giant ego!"
and we would all dance....
But it never happened. She was the kind of teacher it is ok to hate.

Teachers ASKING to be hated:
For this we'll call the teacher "Tango Cha Cha" or "Sugar cakes" as she is now know. I know what you are thinking and she isn't a day time stripper those are her dating names. Nobody had anything against this teacher when she came to my school, perfectly normal women (Crazy as hell). But one day some students (I do not know how?) found her on a dating website listed as "Tango Cha Cha" . This is ASKING to be hated. She just created her own reason to be hated upon.

P.S. Apparently she enjoys spooning and men 20 years older or younger than her... (score?)


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

I remember year 6...