(Fig1: Dont fuck with Atheists)
WATCH: Trey Parker and Matt Stone absolute legends. Skip to like 1:40 for the South Park version.
Allegedly he made a bet to one of his friend in a pub that he could create a religion that 1000 people would follow. I don't think he realized how fucking stupid people are because now millions of bloated Americans pulled their asses off their coaches with bits of reeces pieces falling off and hauled themselves to a Scientology center. They flock to these centers like a fat kid to the last muffin in the tuck shop, all eager to learn the non-existent secret truth about Scientology.
Retarderdly these fucking dipshits hand over more than half of their salaries to the 'Church' each year to learn more of their deluded teachings. Enough of this shit, the 'Church' only claimed to be a religion to get Tax exempt status. So pretty much they want to be a business. And yet people hand over all their lives and their money for the promise of more bullshit teachings. Unfortunately Scientologists offer 'Free personality tests' praying on the weak. People who are insecure or have empty lives will flock to anybody who claims to have the answers.
These poor people are giving away their money. They might aswell start gambling, at least then they have a chance of GETTING something from half their salary and back breaking work.
Scientology is a business and not a religion... any religion that charges for their teachings is not real religion in my books. Just another Indian Casino taking the money of dipshits, and if you are one of them reading this... then i find you medically fasanatings.. i just cannot understand giving away money for nothing.
P.S. FUCK YOU XENO and your fucking Spaceships that look like 747's
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