Thursday, March 4, 2010

For all you short fucks...

Napoleon complex - or short-ass-itis...

The Napoleon complex is named after the French Emperor Napoleon Bonaparte. The idea is that Napoleon overcompensated for his short height by seeking power, war and conquest. Historians suggest that napoleon was 5’6 (1.68 m) tall.

It is also known as Short man syndrome, little man Syndrome and Small man syndrome or “SMS” my favorite.
(Fig1: Meni and his year 11 Formal Date?)

Everybody knows at least 1 man with SMS. Most of them are complete fuck heads. To spot a man with SMS look out for the 4 clear signs from my list. You can’t miss them in a person. Like the hairy mole on your date’s upper lip they will try ruin your livelihood.

1) Plenty of upper bodywork. Small men want to appear as big possible to compensate for their obvious in adequacy.

2 ) Becomes aggressive for no reason. Nothing compensates for short legs and a small dick like starting fights with bigger men. People with SMS will want to show off all the time by challenging authority. Often people will not waste their time and the SMS will come off as a dickhead. Of coarse the SMS will believe that they have done an awesome job and in their deluded fucking mind they will think they are awesome.

3) For absolutely no logical reason the person in question will believe that they are 100x better than every body else. Some people will be fooled and go along for the ride thinking they are superior. Others, smarter people will reject them. This leads to them becoming a threat and therefore the SMS in question acts like a total fucking douche towards them.

4) Obviously they are fucking noticeably shorter than everybody else around them.


The Wessex growth study is a community based longitudinal study conducted in the UK that monitored the psychological development of children from school to adulthood. The study concluded that the napoleon complex was a myth. But no hard evidence was ever produced and most physiologists still believe that the shorter people do become jealous faster, and become angry faster.

Professor Abrahan Buunk of the University of Groningen in the Netherlands found proof that small man syndrome exists. The professor found that men under 5’4” (1.62 meters) were 50% more likely to show signs of jealousy then man who were 6’6”. Much research shows that there are many evolutionary advantages of being tall in attracting a mate and small men might be hot wired to be jealous.


So if you are short please try to be not to be an asshole.


Anonymous said...

hahaha nice, you forgot to mention them putting a ungodly amount of gel in their hair to make themselves feel taller

Owen said...
